Type casting in Dart

As and is operators play a crucial role in ensuring that variables are of the expected type at runtime, enhancing code safety, reducing runtime error

The "is" operator


The is keyword in Dart is used for type checking. It evaluates to true if the object has the specified type, and false otherwise. This can be particularly useful when you need to ensure an object is of a certain type before performing operations or accessing properties specific to that type.


class Animal {
  void breathe() {

class Fish extends Animal {
  void swim() {

void main() {
  Animal a = Fish();

  if (a is Fish) {
    // This block will execute because 'a' is indeed an instance of Fish
    print("It's a fish!");
    a.swim(); // This is safe to call because we've checked that 'a' is a Fish
  } else {
    print("It's not a fish");

The is keyword is particularly useful in scenarios involving polymorphism or when dealing with collections of objects with a common superclass. It allows your code to dynamically identify the specific subtype of an object at runtime and safely perform type-specific operations.

Here's another example with a list of mixed types:

void main() {
  List<Animal> animals = [Fish(), Animal()];

  for (var animal in animals) {
    if (animal is Fish) {
      (animal as Fish).swim(); // Casting is necessary to call swim
    } else {

The "as" operator


The as keyword in Dart is used for typecast operations, allowing you to specify that an object belongs to a particular type. This can be useful in situations where you want to treat an instance of a superclass as if it were an instance of a subclass, or more generally, when you're sure that an object of a certain base type is actually a specific subtype and you want to access its properties or methods that aren't available on the base type.


class Animal {
  void breathe() {

class Fish extends Animal {
  void swim() {

void main() {
  Animal a = Fish();

  // Without casting, you can't call swim on an Animal
  // a.swim(); // This would be an error

  // Using 'as' to cast 'a' to Fish so we can call swim()
  (a as Fish).swim(); // This works

  // This is also a way to assert the type at runtime.
  // If 'a' was not a Fish, this would throw a TypeError.

It's important to use as cautiously, as it introduces the possibility of a runtime error if the object is not of the type you're casting to. Dart will throw a TypeError if the cast is invalid at runtime, which helps catch mistakes but also means you should be confident in your type assumptions when using as

Important Considerations

  • Type Safety: While the as operator can override compile-time type checks, it can lead to runtime errors if the cast is incorrect. Use it judiciously and only when you are certain of the object's type.

  • Performance: Frequent use of as and is might impact performance. It's best to design your code in a way that minimizes the need for type checks and casts.